Writing Emotions In Layers

  • Tired Of Being Told To "Go Deeper"?
  • Tired Of Being Told Your Writing Has Lots Of Action But No Emotion?

Learn To Write Emotions In Layers

This is the most-watched unit of my popular 5 week masterclass on writing in deep point of view. This is a deep dive into writing emotions in layers that assumes you already know the basics of this advanced writing style.

Learning the principles behind layering emotions in scenes (for your entire novel or for emotional gut-punch moments) is going to help you immerse readers in the lived experience of your character's emotional journey! This is where emotional connections are formed for readers!

Learn the four layers of emotions and how to blend and integrate these layers to avoid the clunky ... and then ... and then... construction. Learn how to effectively use emotional triggers, coping mechanisms, and internal dialogue to SHOW internal conflict in a compelling grab-you-by-the-throat way that will keep readers turning pages.

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Writing emotions in layers isn’t a template or an outline to follow. There’s no quick formula. Rather, what this short e-course does is break down complex and convoluted emotions into bite-size pieces that are easier to understand, get curious about, and assemble strategically for specific effect.

You'll learn:

  • why naming emotions is telling in deep point of view
  • how to get curious about what your character is really feeling and offer a wider range of emotions in any scene
  • show primary and secondary emotions in a visceral and authentic way
  • how to blend primary emotions, emotional triggers, secondary emotions and behavior into a seamless emotional experience for readers that's immersive 

Because everyone learns just a little bit differently, lessons are available to read online and/or download and print off at home (most lessons are no more than 3-4 pages long). Each lesson has a video where that rewords and expands on the written lesson. There are also short exercises to help you practise and apply the lessons.

Consider upgrading (when available) to the longer 5 week masterclass on Deep POV. You'll receive a discount code via email for the full value of this course towards the longer course where you'll receive all of the content available here, but also be part of a larger learning community, receive personalized feedback on lesson homework, and have opportunities for live video critiques and up to 10page critiques each week of the class.

1 Module

Writing Emotions In Layers

This module contains six lessons on writing emotions in layers:

  • Avoid Naming Emotions
  • Emotive Memory
  • Four Layers Of Emotions
  • Writing Emotional Triggers
  • Blending Emotions (with tutorial)
  • Concerns vs Solutions and Emotional Context
Modules for this product 1
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